Floatify - Direkt Antworten

by Jawomo



Advanced heads-Up notifications for your phone! QuickReply lets you send messages directly from the notification! DirectReply lets you send predefined messages like "Ok, thanks!" without typing. Android Exclusive: Floatify is the only app that can Mark messages as read! Mini Heads-up can be activated if you don't like big heads-up covering the screen.Smart Wake will turn on the screen as soon as you pick up your phone! Smart Blacklist will hide heads-up so they don't show up while watching videos with your friends or playing games. Premium themes lets you choose between Lollipop, Google or iOS style notifications. Customize the look & feel with colors, animations and interactions as YOU like!HAUPT FEATURES:• Heads-Up notifications (Optional: Mini heads-Up)• Stacked heads-Up lockscreen notifications • Mark messages as read! (5.0+, see below for supported apps) • Heads-up Quick Replies (5.0+, limited on 4.3+, see below for supported apps)• Direct Replies, send predefined answers!• Smart Wake Screen on notification (Wake on pickup & auto pocket detection)• Music controls for stock music, Google Music, Spotify, Poweramp
WEITERE FEATURES:• Custom interaction settings (Tap, doubletap, push left, right,..)• Message filter settings• Quiet hours settings• Custom app settings (Privacy, sound, wake, timeout..)• Direct actions like call back / message (If notification app supports it)• Expand notifications to full size• Lockscreen notifications privacy settings• Backup & Restore settings• Much more!
WÄHLE WANN HEADS-UP POPUPS GEZEIGT WERDEN:• On notification • On lockscreen (Stock)• On phone unlock
• Smart blacklist for apps• Show only on homescreen• Hide in fullscreen apps• Hide in landscape
STYLE:• Preset themes (Lollipop, iOS Notification,..)• Custom backgrounds, animations, icons, text• Icon pack support (Nova, Go, ADW,..)• Lockscreen notifications themes (Lollipop, Google Card,..)• Lockscreen notifications animations• Popup size, position, color, animation, opacity..• Heads-up notification color, divider, spacing, animations..• Heads-up notification icon background, size, contact picture..• Heads-up notification text color, max lines, size, bold..• Heads-up Quick Replies backgrounds• Heads-up Quick Replies send buttons• Unlimited possibilities
QUICKREPLY REPORTED WORKING:• WhatsApp, Telegram, Threema, Skype, Line, WeChat, Kik, EvolveSms, YAATA, Textra, ChompSms, Hangouts, Handcent SMS...
MARK AS READ REPORTED WORKING:• WhatsApp, Telegram, Threema, Skype, WeChat, Kik, EvolveSms...
INFO & SUPPORT:• Support & Betas: https://plus.google.com/communities/116889198622676982632• XDA forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2794876• Please note that not all e-mails can be replied instantly. But I will try to fix every bug asap.